During a visit to SEINSA’s factory plants in Navarra, minister counsellor Irujo highlights SEINSA’s commitment to develop talent within the company and to support Navarran industry’s firm pledge to sustainability and innovation
Navarra 1st March 2022. The Local Ministry of Economic and Business Development of Navarra has visited the SEINSA Corporation’s plants of Eugi and Egüés This company is an important asset within an industry sector which represents 33% of the region’s GDP. The Group, Europe’s leader in the manufacturing of brake, transmission, steering and suspension products, employs three hundred people and exports to 85 countries around the world.
Mikel Irujo, ministry counsellor of Economy and Business Development, wanted to meet the team and see up close the progress of a company renowned as one of the most innovative in its field. Seinsa has had a sustained growth of a two-digit turnover for the last five years, thanks to their commitment to a business management model which guarantees sustained and global innovation, based on the support and development of the creative talent of their entire human capital
Navarra’s Government supports the industry as a way to achieve sustainable growth, in line with the goals set by Europe. “From the pandemic experience we’ve learned about the importance of proximity trade, and it is with pride that we are visiting SEINSA, the Navarran company which has achieved the control of the entire manufacturing cycle of their products, from the raw material to the distribution, without having to depend on other markets. It’s a perfect example of Made in Navarra”, explained Irujo.
The spare parts sector in Spain is going through a good moment, with an expected activity increase around 4% for 2022, and with the microchips supply crisis acting in favour of companies like Seinsa. The Group is now undertaking the sustainability challenge in the auto parts sector, with a maximum support and effort to continue investing in new technologies. To achieve this goal, it has designed an ambitious investment and developing plan based on automation, digitalisation and artificial intelligence to guarantee growth and to promote the industry 4.0. Seinsa pursues the European environmental respect and recovery goals, and it’s becoming the main European supplier for the manufacturers of braking systems remanufactured from automation replacement, and, furthermore, incorporating photovoltaic energy to all their production plants, both in Navarra and India
Irujo has highlighted that “the company’s strategy and plans are fully aligned with Navarra’s Intelligent Specialisation, S4. Sustainability, Digitalisation and Industry 4.0, remanufacturing of parts as the base for innovation and Energy Efficiency through renewable energy”.
The visit took place at the plants of Egüés and Eugi, with an extensive tour throughout the production chain, accompanied by Pilar Irigoien, managing director of Sodena, Mikel Azcárate, director of Strategic Development and New Business, and José Antonio Espinosa, managing director of Seinsa Corporation, who at the end of the visit announced the celebration of “SEINSA’s 50th Anniversary, a tribute to self-confidence”, on April 25h in Navarra.
European model based on people
Irujo has also recognised “the commitment to a new business culture which involves full innovation through the promotion of the company’s own talent and to reach maximum efficiency through the available resources distinctive to Navarra’s industry”.
SEINSA Corporation has an expansion plan to grow up to 40% in the next three years, multiplying its yearly sales volume which surpassed the figure of 30 million euros in 2021, despite the foresight of the automobile sector in general. 98% of the sales of the Navarran company come from exports to 85 brands in 85 countries
The company has become stablished as Spain’s pioneer in the development of the European model of business excellence, and it makes its anti-crisis management method available for the entire auto industry sector.
In 2002, the company was granted the EFQM European award for their management quality, and in 2005 it opened a new plant in Chennai (India), which has made possible for SEINSA to enter new markets, mainly in the US.
In 2020 SEINSA becomes one of the most innovative companies recognised by the Basque Innovation Agency, INNOBASQUE.
For more information or interviews:
Mercedes Pescador
Tel.: +34 657899666
+34 915670172
Kenia Ortega Rodríguez
Tel.: +34 617511259
Paul Schuck is a renowned professional with over 30-year experience in the industry and with a proven expertise…
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